
Cinque Quinti with Bacco & Bach

Cinque Quinti is participating to Bacco & Bach – The International Festival of Music and Wine.

Sunday 25th of June – 6.00 pm at the Eco Museo of Cella Monte – Wine tasting and show.

First of all we would like thank Bacco & Bach. It is an honor for us to have the possibility to present our wine in occasion of the International Festival of Music and Wine on the 25th of June in Cella Monte at the “Eco Museo della Pietra da Cantoni”. A special thanks goes to Ima Ganora for her kind and encouraging words  “…I am very happy to collaborate with you and to give visibility to a project like yours. You can be a business example for our territory”.

The event, at its VIII edition has a renovated format. Much more engaging and richer in contents, it will take place from the 11 to the 25th of June and from the 10th of September to the 15th of October. The Committee of Casale Monferrato, capital city of DOC wines, together with Bacco & Bach wants to bring along the “Monferrato&Wine in literary masterpieces” theme following a path where big authors took inspiration from wine and our territory. The calendar shows a succession of concerts, wine tasting, conventions, exhibits and literary presentations.

Some details about the event:

“L’URA DEL BEN”, the rendezvous where Cinque Quinti will be the protagonist, falls exactly on the 3rd anniversary of our territory as part of UNESCO World Heritage. To celebrate this important goal, Cella Monte municipality has organized a beautiful walk among the typical scents, colors and treasures of our hills. It starts at 4.00 pm and it will end in the heart of Cella Monte at 6.00 pm with a delightful show and wine tasting, completely free.

So yes, after a relaxing walk you will be welcomed by a generous glass of Cinque Quinti’s red wine. 100% Barbera Grapes, characterized by an intense red hue and a rich and full-bodied flavor from 2015 harvest. Two wonderful performers of the Piedmontese dialect poetry, Cesare Vincobrio and Teresio Malpassuto, followed by a sweet melody will entertain the guests. At the end a toast will be held by the organizers to thank all the participants.

A unique event which you cannot miss!

P.S. You will also have the possibility to purchase our wine in boxes of 2,3,6 bottles. If you might need more information just drop us an email to info@www.silviapiccardi.it.

Useful links:

Attend the event: http://bit.ly/Ura_del_ben-CompleannoUnesco

Bacco&Bach website: http://www.baccoebach.com/it/

Event – 25th of June: http://www.baccoebach.com/it/all-event-list/lura-del-ben/

Mon.D.O (Monferrato Domanda Offerta) website:http://www.monferrato.org/ita/

CASALE MONFERRATO DOC capital city: http://www.museodoc.it/



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